"We are Specialists for Mouthwatering desserts, variety of sugar treats and cold beverages"


 Company Profile 

Kaiser Food Products (Pvt) Ltd was founded in year 2020 inspired by the founder’s family business which was started in year 2018 by opening up a small bakery in the founder’s hometown. The family business was formed to focus on the founder’s mother’s true passion for delicious baking. Over the years, the business has proudly expanded in the hometown purely based on hard work, dedication and passion to offer a wide variety of tantalizing cakes and desserts. With time inspired by the distinctive family recipes and the passion developed for baking, motivated the founder to scaling up the family business and take the business to new heights by catering to broader markets both locally and internationally by providing its unique and high-quality products.

Kaiser Food Products (Private) Limited is a company established to carry out on business of manufacture and preparation of all type of food products and beverages, bakery products, desserts, confectionery products and nutritious foods for healthy diets. We seek to upgrade our product range to best cater our customer taste and requirements. Hence, all our products are always made of the finest quality ingredients and we mostly make an effort to offer our products without adding any preservatives and to offer the finest products to our customers.

We at Kaiser Food Products, constantly strive to grow our company and reach new heights by expanding the business in to new markets as well as new customer segments. In addition, we endeavor to become a key contributor for food and nutrient supply and to join the global nutrition food supply to meet human nutritional needs at an affordable price.

Delicious cakes, puddings, confectionery products & beverages rich in taste & quality that one cannot easily resist